
Bowditch & Dewey is a mid-size law firm with core practice areas in business and finance, real estate, litigation, labor and employment, and estate and tax planning. Clockwork launched their new brand in early 2018, including the logo, website, five blogs, and numerous pieces of coordinating marketing collateral.

Bowditch Website 1

Advanced Features

Attorney Microsites

The attorney bios are built in a “microsite” style with tabs and accordions to organize more robust content. The Blogs tab pulls in the attorney's latest articles from the firm's multiple blogs.

Bowditch Microsites

Practice & Industry Microsites

The practice and industry pages have tabbed sections including crosslinked content pulled dynamically from other pages and blogs.

Bowditch Practice Microsites


The firm's five topic-specific blogs were developed using WordPress Multisite which allows for robust integration with the main site as well as easy, centralized administration. Each blog has its own color palette and content specific photography.

Click the links to visit the blogs:
At the Bar With Bowditch
Campus Counsel
Commercial Real Estate Insight & News
Don’t Tax Yourself
LGBTQ Legal Issues

Bowditch At The Bar