At the beginning of any branding project, one of the biggest questions our clients have to answer is “What color do you want to use to identify yourself?” While it may seem like a straightforward choice, the reality is that the human eye can perceive millions of colors, making the decision much more complex. Our best advice? Look at your top competitors to get an idea of what’s working or what’s already been done. To help, we’ve compiled a list of the primary brand colors used by some of the leading Architecture, Engineering, and Construction firms.
1. Blue
It’s likely no surprise that 38 of the 125 firms we analyzed chose blue as their primary color. However, even within this group, there’s significant variation, with a notable preference for dark navy and gray-toned blues. Blue is a great color, widely regarded as a symbol of professionalism and reliability. But if you are aiming to stand out, consider experimenting with brighter, teal-infused shades to add a unique twist.
2. Red
A close second in A/E/C branding colors are shades of red. Red is often associated with energy and strength, making it a natural choice for engineering powerhouses. When a color evokes such strong, positive associations, it’s no wonder it remains a popular option — after all, if it works, why change it?
3. Green
Green is another popular choice, especially among AEC firms dedicated to renewable energy and sustainability. As the number of such firms continues to rise, we expect green to become an increasingly dominant color in the coming years, reflecting the industry’s growing commitment to eco-friendly practices and environmental stewardship.
4. Black, Orange, and Yellow
These three colors share equal popularity though less commonly selected than other options, making them perfect for anyone looking to make a more distinctive statement. Their boldness ensures they will catch attention and leave a lasting impression, offering an exciting alternative to more traditional hues.
5. Gray
Gray is rarely used as a primary color, appearing in just 2.6% of cases. It’s difficult to make gray feel distinctive, and it often lacks the emotional impact needed to engage audiences. While gray can work well as a secondary color, it’s generally better to choose something more dynamic and capable of offering greater differentiation for your main brand color.
Selecting the right color for your brand is an important decision that goes beyond personal preference. By examining industry trends and competitor choices, you can better understand what resonates with your target audience while also setting your firm apart. Whether you choose the trustworthiness of blue or the eco-conscious appeal of green, each color carries its own set of associations. The key is to find a color that not only reflects your firm’s values but also captures attention and communicates your uniqueness in the marketplace.