When launching a new brand, it is essential to announce it both internally as well as externally. A new brand can only be successful if it is adopted by everyone at your firm. Building internal brand excitement, understanding, and buy-in are vital for long-term success. Internal brand launches can vary by firm and may include a range of components, but the basics are to educate, celebrate, and reinforce.
Change is hard, but you can make it easier for everyone at your firm to embrace the new brand.
- Avoid big surprises. Don’t keep it a secret. Start the buzz early during the rebranding process.
- Explain why. Connect the rebranding initiative to the firm’s brand strategy. Convey what the new brand will communicate to the market and why it’s important.
- Show and tell. Present the new brand in an internal launch meeting (or party, see below). This is the big, internal reveal. Show a before and after, explain the brand strategy, and build excitement about the external launch. (Note: It’s great if the President or firm leader is involved in this presentation to reinforce the importance of the change.)
- Document it. Create a brand standards manual and other documentation for employees to reference.
A new brand is a big deal. Roll it out in style.
- Make it special. Hold a firm-wide lunch or party to kick off the new brand in style.
- Bring the swag. Give your team branded items such as water bottles, sunglasses, shirts, jackets, bags, pens, etc.
- Get social. After the external announcement, everyone can publically share their excitement! Create a brand announcement social post and encourage sharing, liking, and commenting on personal social media to widen the announcement news.
Help everyone at your firm adopt the new brand standards. Consistency and repetition are building blocks for brand recognition.
- Provide easy access. You want the team to use a new logo, PowerPoint template, and other brand template files, so make sure all files are easy to access and everyone knows where to find them. If you have an Intranet, that’s a perfect place to house them.
- Make it top-of-mind. The more the team interacts with the new positioning, the easier it will be for them to remember. Office signage is a great way to make your brand visible.
- Remind and listen. If you catch someone using old brand elements (or coming up with their own branding), send them a friendly reminder and make sure they have what they need to adhere to brand standards.
Brand Launch Examples
Brand Standards Manual
A brand standards manual must document logo usage, colors, fonts, imagery, brand messaging, and more. Often, manuals include examples of the brand “in use,” provide info as to who to contact for help, and list where to access logo and template files.
Brand Positioning Cards
Sanborn Head distributed brand cards to all employees as a helpful reference.
Swag & Collateral
Environmental Partners held a firm-wide “launch lunch” where they officially announced the new brand and gave out tons of branded swag as well as new business cards and postcards.
Branded swag included padfolios, water bottles, sunglasses, tote bags, hats, shirts, and more! Each employee also received new business cards.
Note cards featured the refreshed logo and new homepage brand messaging.
Office Signage
WBL leveraged the brand research and new branding by using it as wall art in their new office space.
The new WBL logo is shown very large on the main conference room glass wall.
WBL’s brand pillars are featured on hallway signs.
WBL’s core values are used on another sign.
The WBL tagline is shown on another sign.
In Summary
A new brand should energize your firm and promote team spirit. A successful rollout will give the entire company the knowledge, confidence, and tools to express the firm brand in everything they do.
Related Reading
How to Externally Announce a Brand and/or Website
How to Conduct a Brand Analysis
How to Brand Your Office Space