From time to time, you’ve probably ended up on a 404 page while browsing the web, either due to a broken link or by keying in a typo. The natural response is frustration. But sometimes, landing on a 404 page can have quite the opposite effect. Kudos to these companies for the pleasant surprise that flips the script by providing something unexpected and fun!
Before we dive in, let’s review what a 404 is. Google, appropriately, can help us out with that. Thanks, Google!
MailChimp branded their 404 page with an illustration in their signature style.
HubSpot serves a dose of realism to temper any aggravation.
Android takes it to another level. They give you a drop-down menu with top page options you might be looking for, or you can stay and play a game instead!
Inspired by one of their movies, Disney’s 404 page features an animation of Wreck-It Ralph tearing through the zero in the 404.
Arent Fox
When your firm name includes an animal, it is a clear opening for a playful 404 page. Arent Fox gets bonus points in my book for the pun (“Errant Fox LLP”) and adorable nature video of a fox in the snow.
Fish & Richardson
And with a name like Fish, well, what else can you say?
While there are some readability issues on this 404 page, the image is striking, relevant to their services, and paired with a clever marketing message.
And if you have ever ended up on our 404 page, we hope you enjoyed the cute napping puppy. We are an office of dog lovers and couldn’t resist including this shot.
Have you come across any great 404 pages? Please share them with us!