Is your firm actively recruiting? If so, demonstrating a positive company culture is crucial to attracting and retaining top talent, and social media is a great tool for the job. Here are 10 actionable ways to use social media to demonstrate — and create! — a great company culture:
1. Get Employee Testimonials
Interview an employee, asking open-ended questions, to get them to talk about company culture. You can post a clip of the video interview, a portrait with a quote, or the quote alone. Interview several employees and make this a regular feature of your content calendar.
2. Share Photos from Nonprofit or Community Events
Highlight company sponsorship showcasing employee involvement in nonprofit or community events like food drives or charity runs. These events can demonstrate the epitome of “teamwork,” so be sure to share group photos.
3. Highlight Holidays
Highlight the holidays that mean something to your firm. This is a great way to share causes your team is passionate about and also let your team know they are appreciated. Look at all the holidays for the year, and pick the ones you want to post about.
4. Feature Office Pets
Everyone loves a cute pet photo! If your office is pet-friendly or pets might video bomb a meeting, be sure to share all of your four-legged visitors.
5. Showcase Team Building Events
Share employee events you hold for team building. These events create opportunities for employees to socialize and build community. Try using a catchy hashtag when posting these events.
6. Celebrate Accomplishments
Being recognized for your accomplishments is rewarding. Showcase that your firm celebrates group and individual professional accomplishments. Did someone on your team run a marathon or a 5k? You can celebrate personal accomplishments, too!
7. Work Anniversaries and Promotions
Recognizing the hard work of your employees is not only good for morale, it also communicates to your followers that you have a culture of appreciation. Knowing that your firm values promoting from within signals to prospective hires that your firm would be a good place to build their career too.
8. Industry Conferences
Use industry conferences not only as an opportunity to connect with players in your industry but also to show potential recruits that you are involved in industry-focused events.
9. Share “A Day in the Life” of Employees
Allow an employee to take over the company’s social media for a day to share their day-to-day experience or more simply, show your team on the job. Take a walk around your office and try to capture candid moments of teamwork. Snap a quick photo when sharing a celebratory moment with clients.
10. Hiring Announcements
Now that your social media followers have FOMO about how amazing working at your company is, let them know that you are hiring! You can share announcements about open positions and recently hired team members.
In Closing
Maintain a good mix of planned and spontaneous content. Planned content is orchestrated, whereas spontaneous content can be posted on the fly in the form of Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, fun LinkedIn polls, etc.
Sharing your company culture on social media will not only demonstrate a thriving work atmosphere for potential recruits, but it will also help to build a stronger culture of appreciation and respect among your employees.
Also, kudos to all our law, A/E/C, and accounting firm clients on their social media presence! We hope you don’t mind us showcasing you as an inspiration for other professional service firms.